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To better serve the county in which I was raised and so dearly love - Brandon Holden

“To better serve the county in which I was raised and so dearly love”, is the impetus that drove Brandon Holden to complete his degree in Criminal Justice. The Connestee Falls Student Scholarship Program helped make that dream a reality.

After graduating from Rosman High School and excelling in football, baseball, and wrestling, Brandon was not sure which vocation he might pursue. He grew up watching his Dad and his older brother as they served in the Sheriff’s Department. Consequently, Brandon began with what he knew: law enforcement.

Brandon began as a detention officer at the county jail. His leadership and initiative helped to elevate him to corporal by the end of his 18 month tour. Brandon then transferred to another branch of the Sheriff’s department. His stellar character, forthright demeanor and leadership abilities were recognized which lead to his promotion as patrol sergeant. Then Brandon began taking courses in Criminal Justice to expand his knowledge and allow him to become a more valued officer.

The financial burden of family expenses coupled with the cost of college courses became unbearable, forcing Brandon to leave the Criminal Justice Degree Program. Fortunately, Brandon applied for and was awarded a Connestee Falls Scholarship that allowed him to continue his classes and complete his degree in Criminal Justice. Brandon stated, “without the Connestee Scholarship Program, pursuing my degree would have been impossible.” Brandon stressed that achieving this goal will allow him to better serve his community and more importantly will set an example for his children that “we should never quit or give up on our dreams”.

Brandon’s accomplishments come while he and his wife both hold jobs, raise 3 children, 2 sons, 12 and 10 years old and a 5 year old daughter who starts kindergarten next year. He also serves as a County SWAT officer and has volunteered at the Fire Department since 2007. Brandon’s accomplishments are impressive. He humbly states that he “attempts to lead by example, values everyone’s opinion … work hard, so we can have fun later”.

Brandon offers a heartfelt thanks to all those who have sponsored and supported the Connestee Student Scholarship Program, and he simply does not have the words to sufficiently express how grateful he and his family are to all those involved.

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