Each year, the CFSSP Board reviews the donations received and sets goals to plan for improvement in the next year.

During 2024, Over 71% of all donations received came from individual donors. Connestee Falls Groups/Clubs raised over 13% of the donations and we received over 6% of our donations from business partners.
We want our business community to get more involved and are going to work hard this year to increase our visibility with the local businesses as well as pursue sponsors specifically for the golf tournament and Celebration of Education. Our Community Commitment Committee will be focused on contacting local businesses, especially those that are utilized here in Connestee and those our community regularly supports. If you have a relationship with a business who is not a current sponsor that we should reach out to, please let us know. Connestee had over 270 individual donors this year, a new high in giving from this community. Our goal this year is to increase the numbers of individual donors by 10%. If you are new to Connestee or have a business contact and need more information about this valuable non-profit organization, you can contact Kim McElwee at Kkmda42@aol.com or visit our website at www.cfscholarships.org. If you are interested in serving on a committee or becoming a Board member, contact Kim at the email listed above.
Let’s look at how much the program has grown! Below you will find the monies raised by CFSSP over the past 15 years!

Over the past 38 years, the CFSSP has provided over 1,000 scholarships to deserving students living in Transylvania County. Many of the nurses, teachers, policemen, and living wage workers in our County are here because of your support! Let’s all work to help our students continue their education and learning opportunities!